Yoga & Food

Yoga & Food are the side of same coin let’s explore

Finding Harmony: Yoga-Infused Life Lessons from Frederik Pferdt’s 12-Year Google Journey

The Frederik Pferdt’s emphasizes the crucial balance between professional achievements and personal well-being. While working at Google—a company renowned for its cutting-edge work culture—it’s important to not only engage in innovative tasks but also to prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance. This balance is essential for long-term success and well-being.

The executive highlights several key practices:

  • Self-Care: Recognizing the need to take care of oneself physically and mentally, rather than solely focusing on work.
  • Work-Life Balance: The importance of managing time effectively to avoid burnout and ensure that personal life does not get overshadowed by work demands.
  • Mindfulness and Stress Reduction: The value of integrating practices such as meditation into daily routines. Google actively supports such practices, showing their commitment to employee well-being.
  • Recharge Time: The need to engage in activities that help in recharging one’s mental and physical health, which can lead to improved overall performance and satisfaction in all areas of life.

By focusing on these aspects, individuals can achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life, benefiting both their personal well-being and their professional performance.

How Yoga can help in this context

Yoga is a powerful tool that can support the key aspects mentioned in the executive’s message:

  1. Prioritize Self-Care: Yoga promotes physical and mental well-being by combining physical postures, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques. Regular practice can improve flexibility, strength, and mental clarity, making it an effective self-care routine.
  2. Maintain Work-Life Balance: Incorporating yoga into your daily routine helps manage stress and anxiety, making it easier to maintain a balance between work demands and personal life. Yoga encourages mindfulness, which helps you stay present and manage work pressures more effectively.
  3. Incorporate Mindfulness: Yoga fosters mindfulness through meditation and focused breathing. These practices enhance mental resilience, reduce stress, and improve concentration, supporting overall well-being and productivity.
  4. Value Recharge Time: The relaxation and restorative aspects of yoga, such as restorative poses and meditation, help recharge your energy and reduce fatigue. This rejuvenation boosts both personal and professional performance.

Get Tips and Tricks for a Healthy Lifestyle

To further support your journey towards a balanced and healthy lifestyle, consider signing up at Here’s how DiptisFood can help:

  • Healthy Recipes: Access a variety of nutritious recipes that can fuel your body and mind, complementing your yoga practice and self-care routine.
  • Lifestyle Tips: Get practical advice on integrating healthy habits into your daily life, from meal planning to stress management techniques.
  • Wellness Guidance: Discover tips on maintaining a balanced lifestyle that supports your work-life equilibrium and overall well-being.

Sign up at to receive valuable insights and resources for leading a healthier, more balanced life.

Yogic Diet

Yogic food : Yoga & Food are the side of same coin

Complete Guide to Yogic Diet

With the time yoga has gained much popularity and visibility  but still it has been a mystery for many of us, it is spiritual philosophy which advocates healthy living practices. Many philosophers has failed to articulated it well, leading to a notion that it is  a restricted life style. Rather it is full of fun and brings our body & mind in one line. Further if we practice yoga with yogic diet the impact becomes many folds. Coming to our topic yogic diet we mean a diet which is in harmony with nature which intern brings harmony within ourselves. With this article we will try to burst out some of the myths related to yogic diet.


·       Satvik Aahaar- Satvik Vichar : If you can slowly get inclined towards vegetarian food minimizing the non vegetarian items in your meal will be very much helpful. Basic idea of ayurveda which is in sync with the peace in every spare of work gets compromised. Satvik Aahaar- Satvik Vichar i.e. Purity of food and thought behind the food cannot be taken care in case of having animal flesh within tools killing.

·       Organic Food : Seasonal and organic food with minimum pesticides free from chemical treatments should be an essential and regular part of your diet.

·       Avoid Processed Food: We need to avoid processed food, alcohol, tobacco, food with caffeine or artificial sweeteners to purify our body.

·       80/20 formula: We should eat at regular interval with 80/20 formula which means your stomach should be 80% full and 20% empty. This will improve your gut health as it gives some time for relaxation to the body which is not possible in case of over eating or full stomach. These days, it is seen that people continue to eat just because they have to eat without any sensation of hunger. This is happening because they are over eating and not allowing the earlier food to get digested which intern leads to much other complication.

·       Sun Factor: Morning meal should be full of fruits and organic nuts etc. The afternoon meal should be the biggest meal of the day. The cooked food should be the part of your dinner. As, uncooked or organic food requires more time to digest compared to cooked food. Further your meals should go hand in hand with the father of nature that is sun. Thus, we need to organize our meals in such a way that the dinner should be completed with the dawn of sun. The old age proverb early to rise early to bed really brings good health

·       Focused Eating : A positive mindset is also very important when you are having your food does as per Ayurveda it has been specifically mentioned that the person who cooks the food should cook with all positive mindset as well as the person who is having the food should also have a positive. Some kind of pray for a minute before thanking all mighty thanking the person involved in preparation of food can be very much helpful. This is called mindful eating.Wherein we concentrate our thought /mind on food only with no distractions of TVs, Mobiles etc.


·       A break what all is needed: We all adore break from our routine work, after break, we feel regenerated/ The same is true for our body. Our body also requires break once in a while. This can be done with the help of fasting which is considered as an essential part of your food routine. Fasting helps the body to reconcile itself and be   ready again. As a beginner it could be little difficult for you to go for a fast for the whole day, also it is not suggestible, rather you can begin your journey with fasting for a half day.

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